December 9, 2009


Lets look at the positives people.
Sure, finals week sucks. But it also means the end of a rough, long, excruciating semester...and in this case, year:)

By Friday, I will be on my way to St. Augustine to see JP, Cat and Ava. Saturday morning, wake up and drive to NC! Ill be seeing Steph. Goin' shootin' and eating fancy dinners on food points.
Sunday morning, wake up, off to Asheville. FREE STAY ;)

I can't wait. It is my first legit road trip and I think it is MUCH needed.

I recently bought a macbook Pro. EEEK. Huge expense but supposedly well worth it? I havn't received it yet but I'll keep you posted. I really can't wait for these holidaze!

November 25, 2009


Interesting week thus far.

Sunday night went to Ibar. Great music and dancin'!
Last night went to Redlight Redlight.
What a great atmosphere. A good place to test your taste buds on some unique beers. Rumored 4th in the WORLD.
NH is great company.
decided not going to go anywhere sitting in my room.
time to branch out and socialize!

Bikes save Consequences!

Article for the Sentinel website,0,3696629.story

November 17, 2009

It's true
no one said that it was easy.

It's funny how the past slowly fades and becomes a distant memory compiled of things and people that have changed.

It's your choice to move on, or hold on.

I've chose the latter of the two for the past three years.
In all areas of my life.

It's time to realize that I'm struggling to let go of things that don't exist anymore.

I don't think life should be like this. I think you should keep in mind what made you who you are.
not pretend like it never happened.

October 13, 2009


I hate relying on people.
I hate being at the mercy of other people to go places and do things.
It adds so much stress to everything else that I am already going through.
I am seriously being pulled in 800 different directions and I don't know how much more I can take of it.

I hate judgment.
One reason why I want to travel...I want to run as far away as it as possible. I try so hard not to care what people think, but I inevitably do. Everyone inevitably does.
There would be SO much you wouldn't worry about if you didn't.
you would just enjoy life instead of stressing about imperfections and striving to be the best.
Why don't we just strive to be our best.

8 days.

October 6, 2009

rough times.

Aug. 28th, 2009

I went climbing at Aiguille indoor rock climbing gym by myself. why? because no one wanted to go with me.
I was in the lead cave, by myself. I finished a boulder problem, jumped down, and my ankle gave out.
Emergency room with strangers...again by myself.

Broken ankle, third degree sprain. Surgery with two screws.

Today I am

Currently in green cast on right leg. October 22nd is when I get this thing off. TG.

Sept 16th, 2009
I became an aunt to the most beautiful baby girl in the world...Ava Chase Donoghue.

September 20, 2009

sleeping isn't sound

I wake up. Several times. Trying to escape you.

I wish you were here. Instead of 3 years away.


August 24, 2009

new habits.old times.

When you let dust collect on what once was your may not sound like it used to when touched, but quiet solitude becomes a beautiful serenade of memories bouncing off keys with an 8-year-olds finger prints hanging on for dear life.

I'm a friend who listens to the past tell her everything doesn't exist. what you see on a daily basis is a figment of your imagination.

I guess there is nothing to look forward to, in life and after.
in your mind.
but not in mine.

August 4, 2009


plans plans plans.
I have lots of them.
After school and a slight settlement...I want to write a book.
Well, I want to travel and write a book.
Title Ideas?
that's a secret ;).

Shark Week is currently on my TV. and I love it.

thought: Things happen at the most random times.

Keys this coming weekend. CANT WAIT.

Going to be an Aunt soon...CANT WAIT.

Me and some girls have been doing dinner nights... so far:
taco night
and last night...Homemade CHILI

Cara and I got another piercing :D.


I'm going to buy a violin soon.
and it makes me really happy.

Ive always wanted to learn...and then I realized--I can buy one myself!.
Something new to learn I think will make me really happy :).

still waiting on my new climbing shoes :D. Ive been purchasing a lot lately...but they are all things that will better me as a person...PRICELESS.

later days.

July 28, 2009

public display of affection

I hate how I use these forms or social media to try and reach you.
I need to come to an understanding that we are farther then ever.

It's now all in my mind.
Fabrication after fabrication.

Building a dream that will soon fall to the ground.
It's my way of filling this vast lonely space.

I've have never been so lonely.
I have never been so alone.

June 16, 2009


My previous blog was about my accident.

Now, I'm am going to write about red light runners, and how to avoid them.

First off, for all of you safe drivers...when a light turns green, wait a second to go. 

another thing i've learned...don't change lanes to be the first in line at a red light...its OK to be second-you'll miss the RLR (red light runner).

RLR's are everywhere.  The night after my accident, I drove past the intersection twice. And EACH time...someone ran a red light. 

My wrist hurts after writing this. 

Thanks RLR...

June 11, 2009

that's why they call them accidents, folks.

I was at my internship yesterday, fact-checking and writing galore. The clock hit 2:00 and it was time for me to go home. I was thrilled. I got in my car, put on some tunes, and hit Thomas rd. I contemplated stopping at Target. I I wanted to get a few things. I decided not too because I wanted to get home and catch some rays.
That was dumb.
As I approached the intersection of Thomas and Hayden the light turned red. So naturally, I stopped. As the light turned green, I pressed gently on the gas, and proceeded to go foward. Only to be smashed by a car who ran a red light.
I don't really know how to describe what, or how it happened, because it happened so incredibly fast.
The first thing I thought was...I'm OK.
Then...shit, this isn't my car i'm driving.
Then...crap, the people in the other car don't look OK.
Then...omg, was this my fault?
my eye then shifted to the public transportation vehicle, a bus, on the other side of the street. He was practically the same distance out as I was...and it clicked that it was a green light. The bus got hit too.
I sat in my car, in shock.
The officers were there in seconds, followed by three ambulances. (kudos Arizona!) They rushed to the scene to make sure everyone was alright.
They then told me to get out of the car, because the airbag didn't go off, and could at any second.
I asked the officer if the people in the other car were OK.
She said "they're alive."

So there I am, standing on the side of the road, in an unfamiliar town, alone.
As I stood there, I watched everyone else in the accident get strapped up on boards with suffocating neck braces, and taken to the E.R.

I was lucky enough to leave with a sprained wrist, ankle, and a bruised colarbone.

As lucky as totaling your aunts car can get I guess.

Since I last blogged.

Here is a blog to encompass everything that has happened in the last...5 months. :)

I am going to begin with a partial list of my New Year resolutions:

get a tattoo: Check; a compass on my right foot.
get involved with Outdoor Adventure at UCF: Check; Got a job at the challenge course. went on an OA trip. got promoted to Tower Lead.
get an internship:Check; Arizona Business Magazine in Phoenix, AZ.
go on a road trip: Check; UCF's Extreme East Coast Road Trip, one of the best trips i'ce ever been on.
go to Arizona to see family:Check; Im here now completing my internship.

thats a long enough list to understand what I'm sayin'. I've acomplished so much this year...and it's only June!