August 4, 2009


plans plans plans.
I have lots of them.
After school and a slight settlement...I want to write a book.
Well, I want to travel and write a book.
Title Ideas?
that's a secret ;).

Shark Week is currently on my TV. and I love it.

thought: Things happen at the most random times.

Keys this coming weekend. CANT WAIT.

Going to be an Aunt soon...CANT WAIT.

Me and some girls have been doing dinner nights... so far:
taco night
and last night...Homemade CHILI

Cara and I got another piercing :D.


I'm going to buy a violin soon.
and it makes me really happy.

Ive always wanted to learn...and then I realized--I can buy one myself!.
Something new to learn I think will make me really happy :).

still waiting on my new climbing shoes :D. Ive been purchasing a lot lately...but they are all things that will better me as a person...PRICELESS.

later days.

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