October 12, 2008

and the winner is...

I looked foward to this day for so long. Finally I can cross it off my list.
My state of mind was prime as I faced my competition.

On my right.
a man similar in age that of my father. Beard: major advantage.

a young man with the physic of an olympian. running on 3 hrs of sleep and a hangover:Disadvantage

A girl, my amigo...twin if you will. no motivation due to her sisters eye on the prize: Disadvantage

On my left.

A child with freckles and wanna-be cute braids. less challenge: Major advantage


hands tied behind my back as if I was a prisoner to the yellow unset all-you-can-eat (literally) torture.

1 down
1 to go

against all odds.
good and bad.
i win.

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