October 31, 2008

my conscious

why do i care.
because i do.
because i always will.

even though i shouldnt.

it was never my intention.

every action has an equal and positive reaction.
false. at least in my case.
every action has a stronger and negative reaction.

all i can say is

from the bottom of my heart.

my conscious.
fails me.

October 30, 2008

Bill and Barack

SO...after working an 8 hour day and preparing to complete my 12 hour day by going to class with Ms. Allison Seador....We had a change of plans.

As we arrive to campus, we say..."what are we doing?" We turn around, and hit the road.

Screw going to class, especially the class before a test. Screw the fact I have a test tomorrow.
Im going to see President Bill Clinton and Senator Barack Obama.

Best decision ever.

We get there a notice police cars gating the area. Hundreds of them. Thousands and thousands of people. Helicopters pacing the skies.

As Ally and I get in line (now thats a story in its self) we are so pumped. We get there at 7...doors open at 8:30, the show doesnt start until 11. But the numb legs and feet were TOTALLY worth seeing Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

"Rays lost....but Barack Obama is going to be president!!" yelled an optimistic bystander.

Everyone there for one reason. To support the beliefs of the presidential candidate.

Oh how I love spontaneity.

October 29, 2008


i dont want to be like this anymore
i dont want to be like this anymore
i dont want to be like this anymore
i dont want to be like this anymore.
i think im strong.
i think im tough.
i think im ok.
but then, i picture it. and i realize
im just as lost as ive always been.
im just as alone as ever.
i need to get away.

October 27, 2008

its kind of like the feeling you get after only eating one pretzel


I had a ton written but realized it was unneccesary to post.

October 15, 2008

RoadTrip America

Dont think, that just because last summer my "RoadTrip America" didnt follow through, that it is a dud.

no way.

I've already begun planning my adventures. And I've decided...that I am going to attempt to purchase a Vespa to make the trip.

50$ of gas will get me 900 miles. WHAT?!.

I will add to this post when I research more. Be ready.

if you want to join the endeaver...the more the marrier.

October 12, 2008

and the winner is...

I looked foward to this day for so long. Finally I can cross it off my list.
My state of mind was prime as I faced my competition.

On my right.
a man similar in age that of my father. Beard: major advantage.

a young man with the physic of an olympian. running on 3 hrs of sleep and a hangover:Disadvantage

A girl, my amigo...twin if you will. no motivation due to her sisters eye on the prize: Disadvantage

On my left.

A child with freckles and wanna-be cute braids. less challenge: Major advantage


hands tied behind my back as if I was a prisoner to the yellow unset all-you-can-eat (literally) torture.

1 down
1 to go

against all odds.
good and bad.
i win.


"Without my friends, I would be thinner, have more money, and have a higher GPA. And I would be completely miserable."

October 8, 2008


i dont know where i am
i dont know how i feel
i dont know what i want
i cant give you an answer
i cant make a decision
i cant say yes
i cant drop everything
i cant back down
i cant give up
i wont give in
i wont make promises
i wont stop caring
i wont stop loving

i wont forget

i wont let go.


Happy October! October is hands down my favorite month of the year. I feel this way for the following reasons:

The change of season
The colors
The clothes
My birthday :D
The Food!

I am currently at work and I decided to plug in some tunes to get me through the day. I went for a group that I havnt listen to a while but holds a dear place in my heart.
Tegan & Sara
Love them. Their voices, lyrics, tone. So catching and alluring. Anyways, lets just say it put me in a great mood.

So this week has been going alright. On Monday I attended a CFF (Central Florida Future) meeting which was...interesting. I snagged a story on "Boba Tea." I am excited to have my first (ever) article published! Wont be till mid-November...but still :D.

Halloween is right around the corner, and the search for the perfect costume is on. I wish I had A). Time B). Money to make a costume. like a badass one. Oh well.

Daniel Boone Donoghue is grower faster than ever! He is getting SO BIG. I love him so so much. He has such a personality----quite similar to mine---Fiesty :D

Cara and I have a 10th Anniversary Mojo Olympics this Saturday. We are signed up for the Pie Eating Contest. We plan on training extensivly to prepare. Wish us luck!

In T-Minus 8 days...I will be on a plane to Chicago to see my beloved Best Megan Cogburn. (EEK)
I CANT wait. Its going to be so much fun. Nice weather, amazing food and quality time with my far away friend.

...and this is why October is my love.

P.S. Oct. 25th...I turn 21. Mark your calenders.