November 6, 2008

From the bday to Barack...lots to update.

So, another year has gone by. My birthday was pretty good this year. Had a "Pirate Party."
It made me realize, I have pretty awesome friends.

Obama Rally
So, Ally and I skipped class last Wed. to go see Barack Obama and Bill Clinton in Kissimmee. It was well worth it a pretty much amazing. We were really close to the podium and had a really good time. :)

I wrote my first article for the Central Florida Future. It was on Homecoming weeks Comedy Knight. It made the front page, above the fold. It was really awesome to see my name in print.

I was pretty skeptical about it all at first. My Jou. classes right now are pretty much torcher. I was really considering another major change (after all of my hard work to get into the program!) People were coming in to my classes and saying the most discouraging words about journalism. How you dont get paid and blablabla nights weekends blablala. But now, I am starting to really love it. I am not going to let me self be in a job that I hate. I will use my education where ever it fits me most :).

I went home to celebrate the bday with the fam. My parents went to a lot of effort to make my birthday as awesome as possible. (miss them) I always love seeing my family. Especially my cousins. We all get along so well even though we are all so different.

Jimmy Buffet
On the way back from Venice to Orlando, Joseph called and invited me to a FREE Jimmy Buffet concert. Of course I couldnt pass that up! It was to pump the vote for Obama too. He only played for like 40 minutes, but it was still really nice to see my cuz:).

Cara, Allison and I went to vote early Nov. 4th. After, in the excitement of it all- we went and got our free Starbucks, and free Chik-fil-a breakfast sandwhich. It was pretty much amazing.

Presidential Election
Barack Obama is the 44th president. The first black president. And the first president Ive ever voted for :). What an exciting election. Everyone has such a sence of hope. All over the country...people are excited for Obama... People in different countries--waving American flags. Its unbelievable to see, but so awesome. It makes me so proud to be an American. Just 40 years ago, segregation was still present. And now, look at us. :).

I know this was a long, pointless blog. But, I had a lot to catch up on.
more for myself.